(this picture is a little out dated so to speak. I'm 14 weeks here and now I'm nearly 17, so I'll get a new one up soon)
Ok, so here I am again, just wanted to stop in and let everyone know how Geoff and I are doing.
I'm almost 17 weeks which seems so insane. I'm feeling really good and growing fast!! I feel like I look huge already, but according to my husband I don't (he's sweet isn't he). Life is going really well.
We had our 16 week appointment, this past Wednesday and the baby's heart rate was up at 159bpm. My growth is right on schedule and Dr. Rudeen said that everything sounded and looked great! I have only gained 2lbs in 7 weeks, which is also really impressive! So life is good.
I still have moments of fear, where Satan tries to step in and destroy this joy, but I simply say a little prayer asking God to tell Satan to go bother a rock. I also have found that those verses that helped me through life without Parker are helping me through this pregnancy.
I still have moments of fear when I am asked the totally innocent question of, "have you felt the baby move yet?" That is a question that will forever bother me, and one that I hate being asked. However, to answer it here, I have felt tiny, tiny movements here and there (like I'll feel movements one day, and then not again for like a week). I know that it's still early to feel movements, the average women doesn't feel anything until around 18 to 20 weeks and she won't feel them regularly until sometime around the 3rd trimester (6 months or so).
That brings me to something fun and excited. We are only 4 weeks from being halfway through this pregnancy, which is utter INSANITY to me!! Geoff and I were talking about when our next appointment would be and when we would get to find out the sex. Dr. Rudeen said that our next appointment will be in 4 weeks and that the appointment to find out the sex will be in 6 to 7 weeks. So... that means that in 4 weeks I'll be halfway through!!!!! AAGGHHH!!! So freaking exciting!!
So we're doing great, and baby is too. Life is really good right now. We still have moments where we miss Parker and cry for Parker. In fact, we have moments where we slip up and call this baby Parker, but that's all to be expected and totally normal. He is a part of our life and will never be forgotten.
Anyway, that's where we are, just wanted to update!!
Oh and Geoff and I are headed on a vacation this next week, so I'll have pictures and a blog about that when I get back!! Have a great weekend everybody.