About Me

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Kirkland, Washington, United States
I am a child of God. I am a follower of Jesus. I am a wife, momma, daughter, sister and friend. I love good conversation and hearty laughter. A good cup of coffee is always appreciated. Most of all, I desire to bring others into an experience with Jesus. One that will shape their lives and rock their souls for Him. Geoff is my best friend and amazing husband. Parker is my handsome boy who lives in Heaven. Norah is my bright star and bringer of joy. Tori is my overcomer and peaceful warrior. I live to show Jesus' love to each person He places in my path. I pray this blog strengthens you, comforts you and encourages you and that it MOST OF ALL causes you to want to get to know Jesus in a deeper level.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Happy Easter

I have finally discovered why I have become so bad at posting lately, it's because I have been heaping TONS of pressure on myself to write profoundly. So, as of right now, I am throwing that pressure out the window and going back to the very roots of this blog, my ramblings...


This Easter was a wonderful day filled with good food, an excellent sermon, and family and friends.

Every year I look forward to Easter, and I have to confess, it is for all the wrong reasons. I look forward to it for the new Easter outfit and for the delicious candy. This year; however, was different. My mind was more focused on something that my mom brought up on my Facebook page. She said, "Hi honey. I spent some time looking at Parker's book today...I really wasn't expecting to cry again...he is so precious and so are you & Geoff. I was thinking that Parker's Easter is pretty amazing too, don't you think? I love you. :)"

It had never dawned on me to think about the wonderful Easter celebration that must have been going on in Heaven. I am sure it would be a sight to see. It would be more beautiful than any sunrise service that anyone could ever imagine. It would be more powerful than the most powerful sermon ever preached. It would truly TRULY be a most magnificent experience and even though I miss him desperately, it is comforting to think about Parker being apart of that celebration. Thanks mom for the beautiful image.


Happy Easter everyone! He is RISEN!! He is risen indeed.


One more thing that I just have to add. Ever since loosing Parker people have asked Geoff and I how we are making it, how we seem to be doing so well and this is how I can only articulate it. God knows. God knows the pain that it is to loose a child. God knows that grief that over takes. Yes, Jesus' death was a different sort of death than Parker's; however, God still lost a son, his only son and in that way, he understands. He understands better than anyone else the pain that Geoff and I have gone through.

The Easter season, the weeks and days leading up to Jesus' glorious resurrection remind me of this. They remind me of the loss that God experienced when his son was nailed to the cross. And Easter also reminds me of how because of God sending his Son to die for our sins, Parker is not left to die and remain in his grave. He is in heaven with God and is taking part in that beautiful Easter celebration, worshipping our risen Savior.


Thank you God!!

He has risen and because is has risen we have eternal life in heaven with him!


John 3: 16 & 17 (I know we all learned these verses in Sunday school, but they are so good to read again every once in a while)

1 comment:

Tauni said...

Welp, so much for not being profound... :) You're amazing. Just allow yourself to write freely, I think you say much more profound things than you realize. Just let it come freely. :) I miss you, and I'm praying for you both. :)