I wish I knew how to get motivated to share on here again. I do find that it’s difficult to continue about my son, simply because it’s been so long and the Lord has really healed us well. We still miss him and still find it hard to believe that he’s gone, but we are moving forward.
So I guess the only decision to make here is to move the blog forward.Tomorrow evening will be the first meeting of a support group that I have started called Solace. It’s a group for women who have lost a baby due to miscarriage, stillbirth or SIDS. I’m so excited to get this group going. I do understand that the chances of a lot of women coming are slim. I understand that not everyone out there finds it therapeutic to talk to perfect strangers about their grief, but I am hoping that I am wrong. I would love for the group to be HUGE! I would love for women of all walks of life and in all stages of grief to show up. So that may be what I’ll be talking about on here. Not the women and their personal stories, but rather my journey from grieving on my own, to helping others heal.
I have found that my life purpose has changed. Before, when I was pregnant with Parker, I found myself to be rather turned in. It was all about me, and what was going on in the present time. Now I find that I desire, more than ever before, to help other mommies and daddies who have lost and help hold their hand through that pain and offer them hope that life will turn around. I am so excited, through this support group, to get that journey under way.
So this blog will still, to some degree, be about Parker and about our journey, but it will also start to be about general updates in this Harmon house regarding Geoff’s life, my life and Norah’s life.
For instance, one update is that I have started to volunteer with downtown Nampa, specifically with their promotions committee. This is so exciting for me because I will finally be able to utilize my skills in marketing!! I can’t wait!!
So thanks for sticking with me and stay tuned!!
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