About Me

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Kirkland, Washington, United States
I am a child of God. I am a follower of Jesus. I am a wife, momma, daughter, sister and friend. I love good conversation and hearty laughter. A good cup of coffee is always appreciated. Most of all, I desire to bring others into an experience with Jesus. One that will shape their lives and rock their souls for Him. Geoff is my best friend and amazing husband. Parker is my handsome boy who lives in Heaven. Norah is my bright star and bringer of joy. Tori is my overcomer and peaceful warrior. I live to show Jesus' love to each person He places in my path. I pray this blog strengthens you, comforts you and encourages you and that it MOST OF ALL causes you to want to get to know Jesus in a deeper level.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Gettin' the Juices Flowin'

I'm trying to get the juices flowing to begin the writing process, but let me tell you, I find myself overthinking...

I feel like I have to go back to the way it was when I began to blog in the first place (which I know is a complete lie). Or I think that I need to study up real good before I can deliver a powerful message...which I also know is a big fat lie. Either way, I think I'm experiencing real writer's block.

For those of you who are just reading this, my book will be predominately about our experience grieving the death of our firstborn Parker Geofferson, but it will be about so much more than that.  It will be about the way that God became so real through that experience. How God moved us into such intimacy with Him in such a real and tangible way. How, after knowing God my whole life, I actually experienced a move of God that shook me to the core and changed me dramatically and I haven't been the same since.

This book will be a testimony to God's goodness. It will break the lie that God does bad things. It will break the lie that God gives us ailments to teach us lessons. It will shed light on God's desires for his kids. It will shed light on the power of Jesus' love for us. It will enlightened all who read it, whether they are grieving a loss, or are simply looking for more, that there is more out there when they partner with God, the uncreated one, the maker of heaven and earth, the alpha and omega, the one who was, is and is to come. God almighty, Abba, Adonai, my heavenly Father.

This book will also help to invite people into a relationship with Jesus that will be unlike one they have ever had before. One where they get to partner with Him to heal the sick, give hope to the down and depressed and raise people from the dark depths to the highest of heights. I cannot wait to get started.

I think my juices just got flowing!! Praise Jesus!!

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